Collective Welcome:
Open Enrollment Redesign 2020



Role: UX Manager, Content Designer

Team: Brand Director, Brand Designer, Production Designer, Product Designer, Product Manager, Engineer

Timeline: 45 days (excluding research) 

Okay, here’s what you need to know: Technically, Collective Health is a benefits administrator. But our mission is to make it easier for our members to find, understand, navigate, and pay for their health benefits. 

And the start of that journey for members is Collective Welcome: a four-part program designed to help members learn about Collective Health, choose a plan, register for their account, and onboard onto the platform.

Overview + Problem


Let’s dive into that first part: Open Enrollment

Okay, so I don’t say this lightly. But Open Enrollment is kinda boss. As the kickoff to Collective Welcome, it starts as a brand awareness campaign, then helps members understand their health plan options, and finally nudges them to enroll in their plan. But its magic relies on combining juicy digital touchpoints with memorable in-person experiences—like pairing puppy adoption with learning about benefits. 

But 2020 in all its glory required we ask: how could we deliver an award winning Open Enrollment digitally? 

OE 2019 Image 1.png
OE 2019 2.jpg



Since 2020 was, I’ll say it, unprecedented, we first synced with leadership to align on business goals.

Business goals

  • Reduce overhead for Open Enrollment

  • Drive down member inquiries between October - December

  • Create a more scalable solution to reduce resource needs going forward

Then, we went into a series of client interviews to discuss both what clients needed from Open Enrollment during the pandemic, but also to understand how we could better meet their needs in general.


We zeroed in on “it takes a village.” Because honestly, we hadn’t realized how much HR leaders were relying on other folks to help deliver benefits info. This became a huge pillar in our redesign. 

Finally, we developed our product goal: 

To enable members to understand Collective Health’s role in their healthcare journey, and make confident plan choices.




Now, the really fun stuff! We took everything we learned into Invision-backed brainstorming sessions, and bounced around ideas. I couldn’t shake this nagging memory from my time as a curriculum developer, when I taught teachers how to deliver lessons to students. It felt like we were solving for the same thing: make people experts, then teach them to teach others.



Our clients weren’t used to doing this alone. So, to help them out, we wanted to create a detailed timeline of materials we were providing, and when to deliver them. This was a complex piece that required several iterations as we figured out the right level of detail.

OE Timeline Exploration 1.JPG
OE Timeline Exploration.png
OE Timeline Exploration 2.png
OE Timeline Exploration 3.png


Since education was the name of the game, we wanted to create robust materials to help our clients’ “villages” with benefits. Our Client Success team was setting up webinars, so we tackled reading materials and visualizations to appeal to a variety of learning styles. Since content and design needed to layer with each other, I took a few stabs at how to visualize some materials (shown here).

OE Concept How healthcare works.jpg
OE Concept How healthcare works 2jpg.jpg
OE Concept Paying for care.jpg

What else did we iterate on? One-pagers detailing frequently asked questions, digital backgrounds, and how-to videos—plus branded marketing materials.


Final Product

Open Enrollment Cookbook _Page_01.jpg

Open Enrollment Cookbook

It all begins with an idea.

Open Enrollment Cookbook _Page_05.jpg
Open Enrollment Cookbook _Page_06.jpg
Open Enrollment Timeline_Page_1.jpg

Open Enrollment Timeline

It all begins with an idea.

Open Enrollment Timeline_Page_2.jpg
Open Enrollment Timeline_Page_3.jpg

Overview of Collective Health

How to submit an out-of-network claim

Making sense of your benefits statement


As of November 2020, it’s too soon to know everything. We’re still gathering data. But, here’s what we do know:

  • Member inquiries dropped from 73 per 1000 members to 2.1 per 1000 (yes, really). We still need to investigate how much of this is related to Collective Welcome, but...awesome.

  • Our solution is scalable—the majority of the info is evergreen, and we have a plan for how to refresh the content next year

  • We stayed under-budget


Collective Welcome: OE Portal Redesign